Category: Cleaning

  • Easy DIY Dishwasher Tablet Recipe

    Easy DIY Dishwasher Tablet Recipe

    I was looking for an easy way to make my own dishwasher tablets because I was tired of spending a fortune on store bought ones that included unnatural dyes and fragrances. I also noticed that the store bought ones don’t always dissolve completely in my dishwasher, so I’m left wondering how effective they are at…

  • Gentle Laundry Detergent Powder Recipe

    Gentle Laundry Detergent Powder Recipe

    This is a great recipe if you’re looking for an affordable alternative for fragrance-free, gentle and non-toxic laundry detergent. I’d rather use laundry detergent powder than the store-bought heavily dyed detergents that try to advertise themselves as ‘gentle.’ If you’re doing laundry for your baby or child, this is also a great recipe since it…